Discuta Gratuit cu plicticoasa
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui plicticoasa!
Trimiterea mesajelor prin formularul web este gratuita, la fel si inregistrarea si creearea unui profil. Doar trimiterea de sms-uri de pe telefonul tau mobil creeaza costuri: 2euro+tva/sms trimis la 1540. Toate mesajele de contact primite pe telefonul tau mobil sunt gratuite.
Despre mine
Hi! I'am living in Cluj, Romania. I think that I'm a cool girl and a very nice one. I like
to travel, I'm an active person, whit humour and good sense.
You'll don't be disappointed.
Ce caut
I'm looking for a clever boy, whit humour who would like to put some feeling in a
friendship or something more than that.