Discuta Gratuit cu Berglar
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui Berglar!
Trimiterea mesajelor prin formularul web este gratuita, la fel si inregistrarea si creearea unui profil. Doar trimiterea de sms-uri de pe telefonul tau mobil creeaza costuri: 2euro+tva/sms trimis la 1540. Toate mesajele de contact primite pe telefonul tau mobil sunt gratuite.
Despre mine
Hey! i am Stefano from Milan, I love music, art, love, beauty and life in general I work
as production manager for a fashion brand here in Milan, I love to travel, i play guitar
in a band, i like to sing.. I can speak English, Spanish and Chinese, since I travelled a
lot to China for study and work
Ce caut
a smart girl with her own intrest, who loves fun and have a good time