Discuta Gratuit cu ansmexia
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui ansmexia!
Trimiterea mesajelor prin formularul web este gratuita, la fel si inregistrarea si creearea unui profil. Doar trimiterea de sms-uri de pe telefonul tau mobil creeaza costuri: 2euro+tva/sms trimis la 1540. Toate mesajele de contact primite pe telefonul tau mobil sunt gratuite.
Despre mine
I am divorced and I live alone. Life is too short and i want to enjoy it to the best as
you never know what happens tomorrow! I was born in Africa, brought up and studied in
India and living here in Manchester UK. THIS IS THE ONLY PROFILE I HAVE, SO IF YOU SEE
Normal, photos are updated.
Ce caut
I am looking for someone who is not selfish and money minded, the one who is looking for
real respect, care and love to enjoy life as it comes. I am open minded and caring! Well
thats what i think and would love to know, talk and meet someone who is really looking for
what I am looking for!