Discuta Gratuit cu andras pal
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui andras pal!
Trimiterea mesajelor prin formularul web este gratuita, la fel si inregistrarea si creearea unui profil. Doar trimiterea de sms-uri de pe telefonul tau mobil creeaza costuri: 2euro+tva/sms trimis la 1540. Toate mesajele de contact primite pe telefonul tau mobil sunt gratuite.
Despre mine
Easy going person low profile with the pasion of meeting new people with difrend culture.I
like traveling motorbikes and women those are my three big pasions of my life
As other people say i am good looking
Ce caut
I am loking for a girl who she wants to meet someone like me with lots of energy of doing